Universal Shell Separator Machine Universal Shell Separator Machine Universal Shell Separator Machine
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Technical details:
  • separation of a hazelnuts core from a shell
  • electromotor 230V drive
  • capacity up to 250 kg/h
  • pouring manually or directly by connection to our electric cracker machine DLO 120E or DLO 120ER

Cracker machine DLO 120E and Universal Shell Separator Machine

A shell separator machine is dedicated for separation of almond and hazelnut cores from the shell after they were cracked. Fan is blowing out lighter shell while the heavier clean fruits are falling down through the opening. There is ability to connect our electric cracking machine DLO 120E or electric cracking machine DLO 120ER to the shell separator in order to process cracking and shell separation in one step.

The shell separator machine is universal and can be used for separation of any type of shelled fruits: unless their shell and core are different weight and core is previously separated from the shell eg. beans which can be blown after they are taken out of the shell.


Size Universal Shell Separator MachineSize Universal Shell Separator Machine packageSize Universal Shell Separator Machine weight

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